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Let’s get some
stuff off your plate

Collect data directly from your systems

Tired of mindlessly punching data into spreadsheets? Flow rates, pH, material usage, opacity, waste amounts — the list seems endless.

Get data entry off your plate by integrating Mapistry with your existing systems or sensors.

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Track permit limits without lifting a finger

Don’t worry about updating your spreadsheet calculations with the latest data.

Mapistry automatically keeps track of your permit limits based on the calculations you configure.

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Stop the paper inspections nightmare

It’s 2025. Why are we still digging through binders for inspections forms, only to scan them back at our desk?

Make inspections a breeze with mobile inspection forms and online inspections storage.

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Send automated reminders

Tired of sending out email reminders for overdue tasks?

Let Mapistry do it for you.

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See your compliance status at a glance

Need a quick compliance overview? Does the boss need an update?

Just open up your dashboard and see the latest status of inspections, KPIs, and more.

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*What’s the ROI?

Mapistry doesn’t just make your life easier.
It significantly reduces your environmental compliance spend.

up to $154,826
EPA penalties prevented

Industrial facilities receive some of the highest EPA fines. By helping you prevent just one fine, Mapistry can quickly pay for itself.


up to $80,000
labor automated per year

Mapistry customers have been able to automate the equivalent of one full-time environmental employee’s workload. In addition to that, the time spent on environmental compliance by operations is significantly reduced.


We do our best work where it’s loud & dirty

MMC Materials

MMC Materials is the largest ready-mix concrete producer in Mississippi operating 80 concrete facilities across Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Louisiana.


Graniterock operated construction materials and contracting company based in California. The company has been in business since its flagship quarry opened for operation in 1900.


CalPortland Company is a major producer of cement, ready mixed concrete, aggregates, concrete products, and asphalt in the western United States and Canada.