Build site maps in minutes
GIS mapping tools are complicated. At least that’s what people say before they try Mapistry.

Who knew maps
could be fun?
Easily create any regulatory map
Simply click or draw elements to create maps for SWPPP, hazardous materials, SPCC, emission sources, and more.
No need to watch YouTube tutorials — it’s that easy.
No need to watch YouTube tutorials — it’s that easy.
Use standard or custom site images
Start creating your site map with Mapistry’s out-of-the box satellite images.
Need images that show the latest additions to your site? Easily upload your own.
Need images that show the latest additions to your site? Easily upload your own.
Keep your map updated
Need to add a new building, remove an asset, or toggle between your different maps?
Not a problem! Make any changes with just a few clicks.
Not a problem! Make any changes with just a few clicks.

Show operations what to inspect
“Uh, where is the tank I need to inspect again?”, is a question of the past.
Link your maps to inspection forms so anyone can find the assets they’re supposed to inspect.
Link your maps to inspection forms so anyone can find the assets they’re supposed to inspect.
Export and print your maps
Download your maps as a PDF so you can send or print them for you facilities.



Learn how you
can use this capability
Environmental compliance for industrial facilities
Generic EHS tools do “a little of everything”. We exclusively focus on environmental compliance for industrial facilities.
Discover more capabilities
For air, water, and waste compliance