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Setting Up Logs

Mapistry's Environmental Data Platform (EDP) can track, manipulate, and download data as .xlsx files, as well as track total usage over a period of time. This guide will walk you through how to set up a log in the EDP.

Creating A New Log

Select 'Data Setup' in the navigation bar on the left of your screen, and click on Logs. Click on 'Create New Log' in the top right corner of the screen.

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Step 1: Basic Info

Here, you can fill in basic information about this new log, like the name and the compliance category.

💡 Selecting the compliance category is important because it will allow you to view, explore, and filter data in the Analytics dashboard. For more information about the Analytics dashboard, click here. If you cannot access your analytics dashboard, reach out to

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Step 2: Entry Fields

After you click 'Next,' you'll be able to add additional fields to the log by clicking on 'Add a Log Field.' Think of each field as a column in your data table. For instance, the number field can be used to keep track of the generated/used amount of a given material.  

💡 Fields that are greyed out and have a padlock next to them cannot be removed or edited, as they are a necessary part of creating the log. 'Log Entry Date' will always be locked since it is directly tied to the frequency requirement of the log. 

💡 You can add instructions on how to complete your Log in the "Instructions" box. These will appear every time a user completes a Log entry.

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Choose the type of data field you'd like to add to your log.

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This is where you can label your log field. If you would like to make it a required field, tick the check box. Once all your Log Fields have been entered, click 'Next.'

💡The ‘Date’ and ‘Date & Time’ fields are additional fields that can be added to a log if another date or time field is needed (separate from the log entry date).

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Step 3: Formula Fields

This is where you’ll be able to add your formulas. For more guidance on building formulas, click here.

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Once the formula fields have been entered, click 'Save'. All your entered formulas will be visible under 'Formula Fields.'  

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Step 4: Sites

Congratulations, you've set up the main framework of your organization's log! 

Now it’s time to work on the site details. This is where you'll be able to select the sites you'd like this log to show up on and configure those sites' settings. To make edits to the site configuration of a specific site, click on the icon under 'Site Configuration.'

💡As this is an org-level function, this list is automatically populated with all the sites within an organization.

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After clicking on 'Site Configuration', click on 'Add Frequency' to open a pop-up where you can select a frequency, a start date, and add conditions. This setting determines how often a Log will need to be submitted to a site and is unique to each site. Without setting a frequency, a log will not show up on your site, even if it has been published. If there is no required regular frequency, but a site still needs to log data for a log, use the “as needed” frequency.

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If you would like to change already existing frequency settings, you can do so by clicking on the three dots under ‘Actions.'

Adding a condition to your frequency settings allows you to set specific frequency requirements based on specific log field values. 

💡If you are tracking your generator usage in a monthly log, you can create a resource called ‘Generators’ and track values like how many hours they ran and how many liters of diesel were used by each generator. If you have multiple generators, you can enter this information for each of them monthly using conditions. Conditions pull information from the log field, requiring either a single select field or an existing resource.

The frequency condition now applies to the entire row of data, with frequencies set as minimum requirements. This means that for each required frequency, at least one row of data must be submitted.

For instance, if you create a monthly frequency, Mapistry will verify the presence of at least one entry that satisfies the frequency conditions during data completeness evaluations on the Compliance Calendar and in Analytics. Once this initial data is added, the frequency requirement is considered fulfilled. However, users have the flexibility to include additional data if necessary.

For weekly frequency requirements, such as "Generator = Generator 1" and a separate one for "Generator = Generator 2", users must submit at least one data entry row per week per requirement. If there is more than one set of data for each generator, additional data entries can also be included.

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💡Once published, log events can be viewed as calendar events with due dates in the Compliance calendar. As-needed log entries will appear as calendar events after they are submitted. As-needed Logs, by definition, don’t have due dates, so they won’t appear on the compliance calendar before they are submitted.


Step 5: Publish The Log

Publishing the log will allow the sites with access to the log (ie, the sites with frequency requirements configured) to start submitting data to that log. When you’re done adding frequency requirements to the sites, go back to the Data Setup page. Click on the three dots to the right of the log you want to publish and select “Publish”



Once the log has been published, you will then be able to view these log events in the Compliance Calendar on the Tasks page, allowing you to view which logs are overdue and which are to be completed in the future. For more information about the Compliance Calendar, click here.


For an overview of Logs in the Environmental Data Platform, watch the video below.


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.