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Understanding Notification Frequencies

💡You can control which site-level notifications you receive in your settings. For more information on how to do this, click here.

The notifications you receive in your email inbox will vary depending on which notifications you have enabled. Each notification type has a different event that acts as a trigger, listed below, along with who will receive the email. Turning on a notification will make it available for all sites you are attached to. If you are looking for organization-level notifications for analytics dashboards, review this guide. 

💡Note: To receive any email notifications, you must first turn on your notifications, which can be found in your settings.

Email notification Trigger Person receiving email Frequency
User Invitations A new user is invited to the software for the first time The invited user One-time
Warning when within 90% of a log limit A limit is within 90-99.9% of a limit Anyone linked to the site with the log  Real-time
Exceedance of limit notification A limit is exceeded Anyone linked to the site with the log  Real-time
Results uploaded into stormwater or wastewater sampling Lab data is uploaded into the sampling results or wastewater results modules Anyone linked to the site with the stormwater or wastewater module  Real-time
Water Result Exceedance Emails A limit is exceeded in the water suite Anyone linked to the site  Daily
Trending over NALs (for California stormwater) When results are entered into the stormwater module and the year's average is trending over the NAL Anyone linked to the site with the stormwater module  Real-time
Weather notifications When a storm event is anticipated with over a 50% chance within the next 48 hours Anyone linked to the site  Real-time
Inspection completion email An inspection is completed Anyone linked to the site with the inspection  Real-time
Task completed A task or subtask is marked complete. Completed task notifications are sent in a batch email once every 24 hrs. Anyone linked to the site with the task 24 hours
Weekly summary email for past due (inspections and tasks) Weekly summary of all past due inspections and tasks. Anyone linked to the site with the inspection or task 
Weekly on Mondays
Weekly summary email for upcoming (inspections and tasks) Weekly summary of all upcoming inspections and tasks

Note: This email is sent on Monday, and the inspection or task must be considered "Upcoming" when the due date is, at most, X days after the current date.
Day: 1-day
Week: 4-days
Month: 7-days
Quarter: 14-days
Biannual: 30-days
Year: 45-days
Anyone linked to the site with the inspection or task  Weekly
Task Assigned A task or subtask is created and assigned The person assigned to the task Real-time
Inspection Assigned An inspection is assigned to someone The person assigned to the inspection  Real-time


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.