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How Can I Match Column Labels When Uploading Log Data?

💡For more information on bulk uploading log data, click here.  

Once you have selected the file you would like to upload to your Mapistry site, you can follow the table below to match the columns.

💡Tip: You can download a template for your Log data upload here.

Your Columns Mapistry's Columns
Date Log Date
Time Log Time
User Person Reporting
Logged Item Item
Item Value Item Value
Units Units

💡Note: Items are pre-set in your Log settings. If your items are not automatically matched, you may need to manually match them or add them to your Log in your Log settings.

If the system doesn't automatically match a column, you can use the drop-down to find the correct column.

💡 To continue with the upload, your file will need a header row. If there isn't one present, the first row of data will be used as a header and will not be included in the uploaded data.

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Once all the columns match, click on "Continue" at the top right corner of the page. Here, you will be able to fix any issues highlighted in red. To get more information on the issue, hover your cursor over the highlighted row/column. 

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💡Note: Depending on the frequency of the Log, you might only be able to add one log entry for that time period.

Once all the problems are solved, hit "Continue". You can review the data in the "View All Logs" section.


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.