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Use Custom Icon for Marker (Point) Layer

You can upload a custom icon to use as the layer marker for a Marker (Point) Layer in Mapistry's maps.

To do this;

  • Navigate to the site's map you want to add this icon to
  • Edit the layer style you want this icon to represent (if the layer doesn't exist, create it)
  • 💡Note: the layer must be a Marker (Point) layer
  • Click on the upload icon to the right of "Feature Shape" 

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  • Choose the image file to upload as your custom icon
  • Name your icon

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  • Wait for the image to upload 

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  • Click save
  • Your layer will now be represented by your custom icon


💡Tip: When using custom icons, choose your icon carefully. It may be helpful to test different versions to identify which one looks best. You can change the Feature Size & Feature Opacity in the Edit Layer window. However, if you would like to change the color, for example, you'll need to upload a new image.

End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.