Log Dashboard Widgets: Logs Over Time and Limit Tracking
For each Log a site has in Mapistry, two widgets will initially appear on the site dashboard where you can set up helpful visuals to identify important information at a glance. These widgets are:
- Logs Over Time
- Limit Tracking
Each widget is set up by the user, so each user can configure different items to visualize using these widgets. When these widgets first appear, they'll be grey and tell you to "Filter Settings" to set up the visualization.
To set up both the Logs Over Time and Limit Tracking widgets, click on the "Filter Settings" button. To update/view settings for a widget that has already been initially set up, click on the 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner, and select "Widget Settings."
You may create as many copies of each of these widgets, with the ability to customize settings in each, by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner and selecting "Duplicate Chart"
Logs Over Time
The Logs Over Time widget displays a chart, plotting the items defined in your Log Settings (Logged Items, Calculated Values, and Rolling Calculations)
In the Widget Settings, choose the item you'd like to see plotted on the left y-axis and specify the units and chart type. You may also add data to the right y-axis, also specifying units and chart type. Specify the frequency (time interval) you'd like to see this data plotted over, as well as the date range. You may also add a name to the widget. Then, click "Update Settings" in the bottom right.
Items with limits will display a red limit line in the chart, assuming the chart frequency and limit frequency match.
Limit Tracking
The Limit Tracking widget includes bars that show how close items are to reaching their respective limits for the items that have defined Limits in your Log Settings.
In the Widget Settings, choose the items (that have limits) that you'd like to see in the Limit Tracking widget by turning on the button toggle under each respective item. You may also add a name to the widget. Then, click "Apply" in the bottom right. (If you have many items/limits, you may need to scroll down to see this button)
The bar will be green when the value is < 90% of the limit, yellow when the value is 90% or greater while still being under the limit, and red when the limit is exceeded.
For information on Log Exceedance Notifications, click here.
End of Article
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail help@mapistry.com or call (510) 313-1422.