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Water Results Analytics Dashboard

The Water Results Analytics Dashboard is where you come to view your sample results/flow log data, sample result limit status, and/or multi-site data for the Water Suite.

From the Analytics page, click on the "Workspaces" dropdown, then click on 'Standard Dashboards.' Scroll down and click on 'Water Results.'

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Similar to other Analytics dashboards, you can drill down into the data to explore and download

Water Results Analytics Dashboard

Filter Tips

From the Water Result Dashboard, you can filter sets of data by Site, Sample Date, Parameter, Monitoring Location, Water Medium Type, and other filters.

If you don’t see any data at first, try changing the Sample Date filter to "Year to Date" or "This year"

The "Exclude QA" filter allows you to include or exclude sample QA results (read more about how this data can be used and how to set up QA result uploads in the Water Suite set-up guide)

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Sampling Results: Raw Value vs Display Value

For Sampling Results, the Raw Value column displays the value that was uploaded as the sample result in its original upload units. The Display Value column displays the sample result after being converted to a number or will continue to display the Raw Value if the numeric value = 0 (see rules below). The numeric values will be used for calculations (e.g. limit calculation, outliers). In Mapistry, the rules for assigning each Raw Value a numeric Display Value are:

  • When the Raw Value is “ND”, the numeric value is 0; therefore, the Display Value shows the Raw Value
  • When the Raw Value is formatted “< [number], “the numeric value is 0; therefore, the Display Value shows the Raw Value
  • When the Raw Value is formatted “[number]” 
    • And the [number] < Reporting Limit
      • Detection Limit ≤ [number] < Reporting Limit, the Display Value (and numeric value) is the number
      • [number] < Reporting Limit and there is no Detection Limit for the sample result, the numeric value is 0; therefore, the Display Value shows the Raw Value
      • [number] < Detection Limit, the  numeric value is 0; therefore, the Display Value shows the Raw Value
    • And the [number] ≥ Reporting Limit, the Display Value (and numeric value) is the number

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Downloading Sample Results

From the Water Results Dashboard, you can download the filtered data from your view.

Click on the Sample Results widget in the upper left screen when you want to bulk download data quickly; this will open a drill-down table that displays the filtered dataset. Click "Export" in the upper right corner and, when prompted, choose to download the data as an Excel File (downloading as CSV loses some of the formatting built-in).

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Graphs can be downloaded as image files. Downloading Excel files from Sampling Results Graphs, is not recommended, but can be used for flow or Mass Loading. When downloading from a graph, you are downloading the values that are plotted, which means Non-detect appears as 0.

When the data set is small enough, the legend will appear.

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At any time you can mouse over and/or click on any plotted point to get additional information

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Tips and notes on some of the visualizations available are below:

  • Sample Days
    • Drill down into the number of sample days for the filtered period; within the first drill-down table, you can also click on other data (ex: "Sampling Results Collected") to drill-down further and see the data making up each number
  • Sampling Results (graph and table)
    • View your Water Suite sampling results in a graph over time and in a tabular view
  • Flow
    • View your Water Suite flow log data in a graph over time and in a tabular view

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  • Mass Load
    • View calculated Mass Load data in a graph over time and in a tabular view
    • Note: In order for a mass load calculation to occur, you must have both a sampling result for a parameter (in concentration units (ex: mg/L)) AND a flow log for the same sample date and same monitoring location 


  • Samples By Pollutant
    • View your Water Suite sampling results in a graph by pollutant (parameter)

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End of Article


If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.