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Water: Edit & Update Sample Result / Flow Log Entries & Check against Limit Settings

This article covers how to edit and update existing Water Suite Sampling Results and Flow Log data from the main site dashboard, as well as check whether the result exceeded a limit. For easy access to view and download data, use the Water Results Analytics Dashboard. Sample Result limit comparisons are also presented in this dashboard.

Flow Log Data

To view past flow data entries and check if it exceeded the limits set in your Flow Log settings, scroll down to the Records Section, located at the bottom of your site's Mapistry dashboard, select "Water: Flow Log" and drill down to the Sample Location and expand the date you're interested in to see more information.

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Click on the three dots under "Actions" to edit & update/delete the corresponding entry

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Sample ResultData

To view past sample result entries and check if they exceeded the limits set in your Sample Results settings, scroll down to the Records Section, located at the bottom of your site's Mapistry dashboard. Select "Water: Sample Results," drill down to the Parameter, then Sample Location, and then click the sample date you're interested in to see more information.

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💡Tip: To expand the record, click on the date you are interested in. 

Items with limits will show you the calculated value is compared to the respective limit and alert you to whether or not there was an exceedance. You may also edit & update the data in this view if needed.


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💡Tip: If you'd like to quickly see other parameter results for the same sample date you're already in, search for the other parameter(s) in the search bar at the top.

To read more about viewing data once it is uploaded, see the Water Analytics Dashboard. Limit comparison data is also presented in the Water Results Analytics Dashboard.

End of Article


If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.