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Water: Sample Result Manual Entry

To input water sampling/analytical results manually to the Water Suite (for example - for pH which is often measured in the field), scroll down to the Records Section, located at the bottom of your site's Mapistry dashboard, and select "Water: Sampling Results."

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Click on the three dots on the right, and select "Add Sampling Result"

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💡For instructions on uploading water sampling/analytical results (from an excel/csv/lab-provided EDD file) to the Water Suite, see Water: Sample Result Upload. Data entered using either method will populate the same Water Suite sampling results)

Expand each parameter and enter the applicable information, including the result and units for each. If you have a lot of parameters, you can search for one in the “Search by Sampling Parameter” bar at the top.

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💡Expand each parameter you're entering results for, and enter the data in the corresponding fields. If your parameter list is very long, you can use the "Search by Sampling Parameter" option at the top to quickly navigate to each parameter.

💡Note: when adding analytical results to Mapistry, you'll only be able to add results for parameters & sampling locations that have been set up in Settings. If you sample for a new parameter and want to upload those results to Mapistry, be sure to add the necessary information for the parameter and its monitoring locations to the settings before attempting to upload the results.

Although "Parameter Value" and "Method Used" show a dropdown list of options, you can  always enter your own value to accurately match your results

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Once all your data has been entered, click Save in the bottom right corner.

To read more about viewing data once it is uploaded, click here.


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If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail