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Water: Flow Log Upload/Flow Data Entry

To upload or enter flow data into Mapistry, click on the Records Section located on the left of your Mapistry dashboard in the sub-navigation menu. Select "Water: Flow Log," then click on the three dots on the right, then select "Upload Flow Logs." You can then upload a file with your flow log data or manually enter it using the template provided.

💡 To continue with the upload, your file will need a header row. If there isn't one present, the first row of data will be used as a header and will not be included in the uploaded data.

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Upload Option

The general process and mechanism for uploading Flow Log data is similar to the Sampling Results Upload process. 

Upload Set-Up

Either click on "Add file" to navigate to the file from the locations on your computer or simply drag and drop the file you want to upload into this view.

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If you have multiple sheets in your spreadsheet, confirm the name of the sheet for the lab data you want to upload and the upload destination, then click continue.

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💡Note: Your spreadsheet needs to have a header row! 

Matching Fields

Match the fields (columns) from your file to the Mapistry Database Fields. Required fields are marked with * and need to be mapped. At this stage, any changes made to the Match will persist through future uploads.

💡Tip: To ignore a column, click the 'X' button to clear the selection and leave the destination field blank. The column will be ignored and won't be uploaded.

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The following is a list of the Mapistry Database fields you may match your columns to

  • Date of Discharge *
  • Discharge Location * (tied to the monitoring locations set in your site map)
  • Person reporting discharge *
  • Volume (gallons) (required if Rate of discharge is not provided)
  • Hours of discharge (if no number is provided, 24 hours is assumed)
  • Rate of discharge (required if Volume is not provided)
  • Rate of discharge units (required if Rate of discharge is provided)

💡Note: you may enter values either as a volume (Volume) or flow (Rate of discharge) - specify the appropriate units in the corresponding field

For the following categories, match the row names to the Mapistry Database Name. (Note that the program will remember previous matches, making each future match faster and easier.) 

  • Discharge Location
  • Rate of discharge units

💡Tip: Type in the match field to search the list.

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Update any wrongly mapped items to the correct match. Once everything is matched appropriately, click "Continue" in the top right corner.

Reviewing the Data

At this stage, any changes to the matching are temporal and will be applied only to that individual line item in that individual upload. To improve bulk matching for future uploads, use the back button and follow the matching sequence above to match everything correctly.

Use the "All," "Valid," or "Invalid" toggles at the top to narrow down the data you need to review/correct if needed.

Tip: Hovering over a red cell will display help text to let you know what the error is/how to correct it

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You can also hover over fields with an information (i) icon for more information.

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If everything looks good, ContinueYou will be asked if you are ready to submit. If so, click YES otherwise, click No to return to the editor.

💡Note: All rows with errors (red cells) need to be resolved before you can continue with the upload.

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Once submitted, a message will confirm the data has been uploaded 

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Flow Log Data Manual Entry Option

You may also manually enter flow log data in the template provided once you navigate to "Water: Flow Log," click on the three dots on the right, and select "Upload Flow Logs." Below the add file option, you'll see a table interface with a template where you can manually enter the data you wish to upload.  


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Data validation for the fields in this option is the same as described in the Upload option above. Remember, flow can be entered as volume or rate for the corresponding date. Both volume and rate cannot be entered for the same date. If entering volume, the hours of discharge will be assumed to be 24 hours unless a specific duration is provided. Press click continues after you have entered the flow data and follow the instructions on the screen, similar to the last steps of the Upload Option above to submit the data.


End of Article


If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.