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Water: Sample Result Upload

To upload water sampling/analytical results (from an excel/CSV/lab-provided EDD file) to the Water Suite, scroll down to the Records Section, located at the bottom of your site's Mapistry dashboard, select "Water: Sampling Results," click on the three dots on the right, and select "Upload Lab Report"

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Upload Process

The following describes how to upload water sampling/analytical results (from an Excel/CSV/lab-provided EDD file) to the Water Suite. Mapistry allows uploading data following a similar process of setting up the upload file and matching fields in other parts of the platform (ex, flow logs, custom logs) 

Upload Set-Up

Either click on "Add File" to navigate to the file from the locations on your computer or simply drag and drop the file you want to upload into this view.

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If your file has multiple sheets, confirm the name of the sheet for the lab data you want to import data from and where you want to upload this data, and then click continue.

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💡 To continue with the upload, your file will need a header row. If there isn't one present, the first row of data will be used as a header and will not be included in the uploaded data.


Mapping Fields

Match the fields (columns) from your file to the Mapistry Database Fields, and use "Do Not Import" if the data is not one of the required fields (marked with * below). At this stage, any changes made to the Match will persist through future uploads. It is not necessary to click the Confirm Mapping button. The following is a list of the Mapistry Database fields you may match your columns to:

  • Sample Date*
  • Sample Time* (required if not provided in the Sample Date column)
  • Water Discharge Location* (tied to the monitoring locations set in your site map)
  • CAS Number (you may match parameters by this CAS Number field or the Parameter field below)
  • Parameter* (you may match parameters by the CAS Number field above or this Parameter field)
  • Parameter Value* (the sampling result)
  • Units*
  • Method (plain text) * OR Method (SMARTS) (to match the analytical method)
  • Reporting Limit
  • Detection Limit
  • Lab qualifiers
  • Detect
  • Analysis Date
  • Flags
  • Lab Report #

Hovering over the field will allow you to see a preview of your data.  

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💡Tip: To ignore a column and not have it imported into Mapistry, click on the 'X' icon to clear the selected option. That column will be ignored and won't be imported into Mapistry.

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To map your fields, click on the drop-down menu and select the destination field.

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For Water Discharge Location, Parameter, and Units, match your file's value to the correct item in the Mapistry Database.

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💡Note: If you're uploading QA sampling results, make sure you've followed the setup appropriately to designate which locations will have QA results. Then, you'll be able to match the name of your QA sample to the "Water discharge locations" field with the corresponding monitoring location and QA designation (Duplicate, Equipment Blank, or Field Blank)

Review and update any wrongly mapped parameter names to the correct match. 

💡Note: When uploading analytical results to Mapistry, you'll receive an error any time you try to upload results for a parameter and sampling location that does not have a specified Sample Type, Frequency, or Limit Group. Therefore, if you sample for a new parameter and want to upload those results to Mapistry, be sure to add the necessary information for the parameter and its monitoring locations to the settings before attempting to upload the results.


When matching your file's "Analysis method" column,

  • If your facility is in CA and reports data to the online reporting system SMARTS, you may choose to match Methods to "Method (SMARTS)" to the methods we have, which will allow us to match the SMARTS regulatory reporting code.
  • Otherwise, please choose "Method (plain text)" 

If you have previously selected "Confirm Mapping" for any field that you want to reopen, click on the dropdown menu next to the desired column to get to matching options again.

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Once everything is matched appropriately, click 'Continue' in the top right corner.

Reviewing the Data

At this stage, any changes to the matching are temporal and will be applied only to that individual line item in that individual upload. To improve bulk matching for future uploads, use the back button and follow the matching sequence above to match everything correctly.

Use the "All," "Valid," or "Invalid" toggles at the top to narrow down the data you need to review/correct if needed.

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Tip: Hovering over a red cell will display help text to let you know what the error is and how to correct it

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If everything looks good, select Submit. You will be asked if you are ready to submit. If so, click YES; otherwise, click No to return to the editor.

💡Note: All rows with errors (red cells) need to be resolved before you can continue with the upload.

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Once submitted, a message will confirm the data has been uploaded 

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To read more about viewing data once it is uploaded, click here.


End of Article


If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (800) 553-7420 ext. 1.