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Water: Sampling Results and Flow Log Bulk Download (from Site Dashboard)

💡This article covers how to bulk download Water Suite sampling results and flow data from the site dashboard. To download a subset of Water Suite data based on filter criteria, see Water Analytics

Sampling Results

To bulk download all sampling result data from the Water Suite for one site, click on the Records Section located on the left of your screen. Select "Water: Sampling Results," then click on the three dots on the right, and select "Download" to download all the data in an Excel file.

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Flow Log

Similarly, to bulk download all flow log data from the Water Suite for one site, click on the Records Section, located to the left of your screen, and select "Water: Flow Log." Click on the three dots on the right and select "Download" to download all the data in an Excel file.

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End of Article


If you have any questions regarding the Water Suite or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.