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Custom Frequency Forms

Frequency Types:

  • Generic Frequencies - Users can set the form frequency to one of Mapistry’s standard options, such as annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or 'as needed.' Remember: if you set the frequency to daily, it will include the weekends. To learn more about generic frequencies, check this article for more information.
  • Custom Frequency - This will allow users to create unique form frequencies that are different from any generic frequency. Some examples may include having different inspections for different times of the year or limiting daily logging needs to weekdays only. All inspection calendar widgets, except annual evaluations and reports, will use custom frequencies to adjust the calendar notifications and visualization showing when inspections should be completed.

How to Set a Custom Frequency

  • To update a form frequency, click on the three buttons at the top right corner of the form's widget. For example, I can update the Stormwater Routine Observations to have a custom frequency.

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  • Select the Frequency Settings:

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  • The frequency setting will appear on your page, and you can use the “How often do you want to do your inspection?” dropdown to set the new frequency. 

💡Reminder: You can always set a form frequency to Never if you no longer need to complete the form. The form will still be available on your dashboard, and you can update the frequency at any time or download submitted forms. 


  • Chose the new Custom Frequency option:

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  • You will now see a set of elaborate options for possible frequency settings!

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  • Three features to note:
    • The ability to select when the different frequencies take effect:


    • Adding an effective date for the frequency to initiate automatically:

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    • Selector bubbles for when the inspection should take place:

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Examples of Custom Frequencies

  • Custom frequency once every 6 months, i.e., semi-annually. Input the number of times you would like to repeat this frequency (i.e. once every six months). With selector bubbles on the bottom, choose which 6-month period the inspection should take place on. This can start in whichever month the user decides and will go 6-months from that effective date.

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  • Custom frequency once every day, i.e., daily. Select which days the inspection should take place i.e., Monday-Friday. 

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Examples of the New Custom Frequencies Calendar

Below are examples of the calendar widget with the selected frequencies and customized “help text” to explain what the user has selected for the custom frequency. The calendar widget will update to show the mixed frequency for the form. Click into the month with the new frequency to see the upcoming inspections:

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💡Note: You can only delete frequencies that do not have data attached to them. For example, if you accidentally create the wrong frequency and don't complete an inspection, you can delete that frequency.  

💡Note: If you have a Stormwater Sampling Observation or another Visual Assessment form, you currently cannot update this form's frequency. Please reach out to if you need this form frequency updated. 


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.