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Stormwater Sample Results

To access your Stormwater: Sample Results, click on the Records section. Click on Stormwater: Sampling Results.

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To view, edit, and download your sample result data, click on the icon in the top right corner.

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A pop-up will appear with your sampling results. Click on the tabs at the top to view a different Sample Event Date

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To add and edit data, find the appropriate parameter and click on the section you would like to edit. Press save after editing each parameter. You can always add a new parameter by clicking on Select a Permaiter and pressing Add. 

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Finally, to download a zip file of your sample results data, click Download this event at the top of the page.

💡Note: this will only download the data for that specific event. 

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If you would like help uploading your lab data to Mapistry, please email To learn how to upload zip files to SMARTs, please click here.


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.