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CA - Stormwater Routine Observation

This product guide article walks you through how to fill out the California Stormwater Routine Observation form: 

  • Select your site from the drop-down menu on the top left of your screen. The number of facilities in this list will vary according to which facilities you are added to on Mapistry.
  • Find the Calendar box that is titled “Stormwater Routine Observations” by using the Search bar on the top right of the Tasks page.

💡Note: Make sure you're on the Tasks page.

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  • Click on the month you would like to fill out an inspection for. For example, if you would like to complete or view the April form, we would click on the “April” icon. This will open the needed inspection form.

💡Note: Green checkmarks will represent completed forms. Yellow exclamation marks represent incomplete forms with upcoming due dates. Red Xs will represent overdue inspection forms.

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  • This is now your inspection form. The date, time, and weather will auto-populate to the current time and condition. You can always change these sections if the inspection was completed at a different time. Click on the signature button to add your signature. If you have not created your signature, please refer to this product guide
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  • Click on the Industrial Process and Storage Area section on the left-hand side. The non-bolded items below this header are all of the areas of the facility that need to be inspected. Make sure to click on all items and answer the questions on the right to complete the section.

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  • Click on “Non-Stormwater Discharges” and answer all of the required questions according to what you observed.

💡Note: New questions may pop up according to your answers, asking you to elaborate on observations. For example, marking Yes on “Is a corrective action needed?” will allow you to open and assign a new task

Stormwater Inspection v2

  • Click on Best Management Practices (BMPs). Answer all questions on the right of the screen.
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  • If you have any other non-compliance issues to note, click the plus button next to "Other Non-Compliance Issues." 

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  • Click into Notes even if you do not have any additional notes to add.

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  • Click on Save at the bottom right of the screen to complete the form. If all sections have the required information filled out, then all circles on the left have a green checkmark. 

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  • Click on the green Sites tab on the left to return to the Site Dashboard. 


End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.