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Corrective Action - A task(s) assigned to someone in order to improve or correct deficiencies found in an inspection, assessment or observation.

Dashboard - The Mapistry home page, sometimes referred to as the Mapistry Dashboard. You are directed to the dashboard after signing into your Mapistry account at

Feature - An area, line or marker on a sitemap that indicates the location and/or characteristic of an object found at the physical site (i.e. Storage building, stormwater flow direction, oil storage tanks).The difference between a feature and a layer can be understood with the following example: A layer is a certain generic category which could be "Buildings", whereas a specific feature of the Buildings layer would be a specific "Office Building" found on site. Layers are comprised of features.

Hardness - The amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in water.

Layer - Different categories that categorize the objects found on the sitemap. (i.e. buildings, tanks). The difference between a feature and a layer can be understood with the following example: A layer is a certain generic category which could be "Buildings", whereas a specific feature of the Buildings layer would be a specific "Office Building" found on site. Layers are comprised of features.

Map - An aerial view of a site with added features and layers used to indicate important objects at the site.

Marker - Indicator used on a map when you would like your feature to be labeled by just a single point.

Polygon - Indicator used on a map when you would like your feature to be labeled by an area.

Polyline - Indicator used on a map when you would like your feature to be labeled by a line.

Rain Log - A log which will keep track of all storm events that have occurred on the site. This information is funneled in automatically.

SIC Codes - SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes are four-digit numerical codes that categorize companies by the type of business activities they participate in.

Site Admin - A user permission type in which the user has the ability to update, change almost anything to the Mapistry software for the site and invite other users.

Site Contributor - A user permission type in which the user can see the site on the software, add data, complete inspections, etc. and add other users, but cannot change information.

Site Maintenance - A user permission type in which the user will be able to receive e-mails on corrective actions that are assigned to them, but will not be able to access or use the software in any way.

Site Viewer - A user permission type in which the user can see the information on the site, but cannot change information, complete inspections or add users.

SPCC: Frequent Inspections - Frequent inspections are done on a frequency specified in your SPCC plan. When doing an SPCC frequent inspection, you will be inspecting all applicable containers, equipment, piping, valves, etc. If there is some kind of deficiency identified during the inspection, you will need to determine the source of the problem and assign someone a corrective action to put an end to the problem.

SPCC: Bermed Release Form - Bermed release forms are completed each time accumulated water is drained from secondary containment for applicable SPCC containers. If the presence of oil or a sheen is noted in the accumulated water a corrective action should be assigned to someone to correct the deficiency.

Stormwater: Visual Assessments - Visual assessments are done on a rainy day and usually include the inspection of your outfalls and any non-stormwater discharges. When inspecting your outfall discharge(s), you will be looking for any weird odors, foam, oil sheens, etc. If you see something odd in your discharge or you see a non-stormwater discharge occurring, you will need to determine the source of the problem and assign someone a corrective action to put an end to the problem.

Stormwater: Routine Inspections - Routine inspections generally are done on clear days and you will inspect your best management practices (BMPs)/stormwater control measures & industrial areas/activities for deficiencies and log any non-stormwater discharges. If there is a problem or a deficiency, you will need to determine the source of the problem and assign someone a corrective action to put an end to the problem.

User - A person that uses the Mapistry software.


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If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.