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Setting Up a Form Template

A form template can be set up to avoid the repetitive task of adding individual inspection items each time you need to complete a form. Users can update a form template anytime it is needed and our updated calendar widget makes this even easier.  

  • To set up your inspection form template, for this example we will set up the routine inspection form, click on the three dots at the top right of the calendar widget.
  • A drop-down list will appear. Select Edit Template

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💡 Note: You will know that you are editing a form template because a blue banner that says "Template For" will appear at the top of the page. This section will also note when the form was last edited and by whom.

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  • Click on the form section you would like to edit. For our purposes, we will be selecting Best Management Practices. To add a new Best Management Practice, press the plus button, and to delete an existing inspection item, click on the trash can next to this item. 
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  • If you click on the plus sign, it will automatically direct you to a blank inspection item. Since BMPs are a text field, you may type in any BMP name you would like. If we were adding an Industrial Process and Storage Area item, the list of possible items would appear as a droplist of existing items from your site map.
💡Click here to learn how to tag items from a map for your inspection forms. 

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  • After you are done with all of your edits, make sure to click Save.
  • When you start a new inspection, the added BMP will be automatically populated into your inspection form.

💡Tip: If you'd like to download a blank copy of your form template as a PDF (ex: to insert as an example inspection form in a plan, to share for training purposes, etc.), you may do so by clicking the "Download" button while in the Edit Template view.   

💡Reminder: You still need to view and click done for each Control Measure during the inspection process.



End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.