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Adding Features to a Map

For information on changing the feature type of a layer, click here.

To add features to a layer, select one of the drawing tools in the top right corner to either place a marker, create a polyline, or create a polygon of the feature.

Types of Features

Polyline: This is a straight line. It's great for indicating flow directions, fences, and other lines on your map. To finish drawing a line, click on the last point.

Polygon: This is used when you want a shape with a filled-in area. It's great for indicating site boundaries, paved areas, buildings, and other areas. To close a shape, click on the first point.

Marker: This is a single-point marker. It's useful to indicate your sampling locations, tanks, generators, and other single points on your map.

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Once you have placed the marker or drawn the feature, a pop-up window will appear where you can label the feature (such as Catch Basin 1) and assign it to the appropriate layer (such as MS4s).  Once you are happy with these details, click the “Save & Close” button to track your changes.

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Once you successfully create & save this feature, the addition will be reflected in the numeric icon next to your layer, and the feature will appear with the label on the map.

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End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.