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Analytics: Log Completion Status

The Log Completion Status dashboard is where you can view multi-site data about your Log completion status, the number of Log entries past due by site, Log completion status by site and by Log, and other relevant details about your Logs and their completion statuses.

To access this dashboard, click on Analytics, click on Workspaces, then click on Standard Dashboards, then click on 'Data Log Limits.'

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Filtering Tips

You can set filters to view different sets of data by Site, Log Category, Log Name, Requirement Frequency, Requirement Filters, Log Due Date and Site tags. If you want to learn how to create saved views with your filters, click here.

💡 This dashboard, by default, shows data with a due date that is within the last 30 days. To change this range, click on 'Is in the last 30 days' and select your desired time frame.

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Log Limit Tiles

Number of Log Entries Past Due

This tile shows the total number of Logs that don't have any entries past their due date. By clicking on 'Show underlying data,' you can drill down into a table containing the details that make up this count.

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Log Entries Past Due By Site

This tile shows a visualization ranking all sites by the number of Logs past their due date. Clicking on the graphs under 'Log Entries Past Due' will give you more information about the Log Status, Log Name, Due Date, and other relevant details. 

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Log Completion Status

This tile shows a pie chart showing the completion status of all Logs in the selected filter period. 

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Log Completion Status by Site

This tile shows the Logs and their completion status at each site, as well as the number of Log entries for each Log. This helps EHS leaders see how each Log is being completed and possible problem areas relative to each site.

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Log Completion Status by Log

This tile shows completion status by Log for the time frame in the selected filters.

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Past Due Log Entries (%) by Site and Log

This tile gives an overview of all overdue Logs on all your sites, showing the site name, Log category and name, Frequency, the number of past due entries, and a percentage count. 

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All Log Entries Details

This tile gives an organization-wide overview of all your sites and contains all the information that was entered into your Logs, like the requirement filters, Log frequency, period, the Log due date, completion status, Log entry date, and who created the Log. 

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End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.