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Analytics: Log Limit Status

The Log Limit Status dashboard is where you can view multi-site data for the number of exceedances, exceedances by site, logs that are within their limits, and other relevant details about your logs.

To access this dashboard, click on Analytics, click on Workspaces, then click on Standard Dashboards, then click on 'Data Log Limits.'

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Filter Tips

You can set filters to view different sets of data by Site, Log Category, Log Name, Limit Name, Limit Period End Date, and Site tags. If you want to learn how to create bookmarks, click here.

💡 This dashboard, by default, shows data with a limit period end date that is within the last 12 months. To change this range, click on 'Is in the last 12 months' and select your desired conditions.

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Exceedance Tiles

Number of Exceedances

This tile shows the total count of exceedances in the current filtered period. By clicking 'Show underlying data,' you can drill down into this big number visualization to get a table of the exceedance details that make up the count.

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Exceedances by Site

This tile shows a visualization ranking all sites by the number of exceedances they have. Clicking on the graphs under 'Limit Exceedances' will give you more details about the logs that have been exceeded, like the limits that have been exceeded, the limit types, and other details. You can also access the log by clicking on the log name and clicking on the 'Go To Log' link.

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Limit Status

This tile shows a pie chart showing the exceedance status of all limits in the current filter period.

💡 Tip: Hover over the chart to view more data.

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Limit Status by Site

This tile shows the number of log limits at each site, a breakdown of how many have exceeded their limits, and the logs that have no data in them. This helps EHS leaders see site exceedances relative to the total number of limits a site has.

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Limit Status Details

This tile shows the status of all limits in the current filters. The "% of Limit" calculates how much of a limit has already been used--this tells users how close they are to their limits.

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Exceedance Details

This table has essentially the same information as the drill-down table from the exceedance count big number visualization. It counts the total number of exceedances for each limit and gives further detail about each exceedance.

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End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.