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Analytics: Filtering Data

The analytics dashboard comes with a pre-determined set of available filters. Every data visualization within a dashboard is influenced by these filters.

💡Tip: Customer dashboards may have a different set of filters. Water dashboards have additional filters for units.

Before we go into how to use these filters, here are definitions for each filter type:

  • Organization Name - This filter refers to your organization's name on Mapistry. Unless you are a part of multiple organizations on Mapistry, it will automatically filter to your company. 

  • Sites - This filter allows you to toggle between only viewing data from sites you are connected to or viewing all sites within the organization. 

  • Site Tags - This filter is prepopulated with the site tags used by your organization admin to organize your sites. Some common examples of site tag types used are State, Region Manager, and Permit Type. To learn more about managing site tags, click here

  • Site Name - This filter allows you to select specific sites within your organization.

  • Category - Each inspection and log are grouped by topic. Available categories may include Air, Chemical Management, Safety, Security, SPCC, Stormwater, Waste, and Facility.

  • Due Date - This filter refers to the date that an action item needs to be completed.
  • Status - This filter refers to the completion status of an action item. Available options include Completed As Needed, Completed On Time, Completed Late, Incomplete, and Past Due.

Your filters are displayed at the top of your screen.

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  • Click on a filter type to open a droplist of options available.
  • Select the option that best fits your goal and repeat for any other filter type.
  • Once all filters have been set, your whole dashboard will refresh and each widget will display analytics according to your filters. 


You can save filtered views of your dashboard by creating a bookmark. Bookmarks allow you to save interactions made in your dashboard, such as adding specific filters to your data (e.g., filtering date for a specific site for different quarters), and make returning to them faster and easier. 

Once you have added your desired filters, click on the bookmark icon at the top right corner of your screen and then click 'Save as new bookmark.' 

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💡Tip: You can make your bookmark the default view you see when you click on a dashboard by ticking the 'Set as default bookmark' box.

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After creating your first bookmark, you can view, edit, delete, and control your bookmarks by clicking on the bookmark icon. 

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End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.