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Analytics: Navigating Dashboards

To access your Analytics dashboards, click the Analytics icon in the green navigation bar.

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Analytics Dashboards

Clicking on the folder icon in the top left corner of your screen will open a menu where you can access your Homepage, export dashboards, and view your different folders (My Documents, Recent, Favorites, and Workspaces.) 

💡Note: Your dashboards are not currently housed in the 'My Documents' folder; they can be found in the 'Workspaces' folder.

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Clicking on Workspaces will allow you to view all your dashboards. 

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💡 Note: If you can see the Water Results dashboard, but your site does not use Mapistry's Water Suite (and therefore, there will not be any data to display in the Water Results dashboard), it is likely because other sites within your organization are using Mapistry's Water Suite. If you want to learn more about the Water Suite, please contact us at


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You can view your recent dashboards in the Recent folder and any bookmarked dashboards in the Favorites folder. 

💡 To easily access dashboards you use regularly, add them to your Favorites. To do this, hover over the dashboard name and click on the Favorite Icon. Once it's been added to your favorites, the star icon will turn yellow.

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Filtering Data

Each Dashboard analytics dashboard comes with a pre-determined set of available filters. Every data visualization within a dashboard is influenced by these filters. Use the filters at the top to adjust the data visualizations.

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Bookmarks allow you to save interactions made in your dashboard, such as adding specific filters to your data (e.g., filtering date for a specific site for different quarters), and make returning to them faster and easier. 

💡Tip: For more information about creating and saving a bookmark, see this Product Guide


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If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.