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Exporting Data From the EDP

Data can be exported out of the Environmental Data Platform via your Log Records or from your Views.

💡NOTE: Both options are currently only available on the web app.

Records Tab

From the Logs page, click on the Log you'd like to download data from. Here, we'll be using the Paint Log as an example.

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From the Records tab, click on the 'Export' button.

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Click on 'Export.'

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You'll download an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing your Log data.

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Views Tab

Exporting data from the Views tab also allows you to download the formula fields included in a View in a separate tab. 

After clicking into the Log, click on 'Views.'

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Click on the View you'd like to download. In this case, we'll be downloading the data from the VOC Calculations & Limit view. Click on the Export button in the top right corner of your screen.

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You'll download an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing your Log data.

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End of Article


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please e-mail or call (510) 313-1422.