Email Notification Categories
Mapistry sends out a few different types of email notifications ⬇️
When you navigate to your profile's notifications settings (using the ⛭ gear icon in the bottom left corner), you'll see several categories of notification types. Each kind is detailed below.
Custom Form Notifications
For most user roles, the list of available notifications here depends on what Site(s) the user is assigned to, and what custom Inspection forms are turned on for that Site.
💡For example, if you are attached to one Site with 3 unique custom Inspections, and another Site with 2 other unique custom Inspections, you will see 5 toggles in this section, one for each Inspection.
Organization Admin users see a toggle for all custom Inspections attached to the organization.
Generally, one on/off toggle button will appear for each type of custom Inspection. Turning the toggle to "on" will result in an email notification when that kind of Inspection has been completed.
Here's an example email notification ⬇️
💡The email notification includes links to the Inspection and the Site itself. The amount of Tasks generated during that Inspection is also listed. A PDF export of the Inspection is also attached to the email!
Standard Form Notifications
While notifications from your Sites' custom forms are grouped together, those from standard forms each get their own section, as they are turned on for your Site(s).
If your Site uses any of the following standard Inspection forms, you will see a category of toggles that control notifications from that type of standard Inspection:
- Air Notifications
- Air Visual Emissions Inspection
- Air Method 22 Inspection
- Air Equipment Inspection
- Track Out Inspection
- Stormwater Notifications
- BMP Inspection
- Stormwater Annual Certification
- Stormwater Annual Evaluation
- Stormwater Dry Weather Flow Inspection
- Stormwater Routine Inspection
- Stormwater Spill and Leak
- Stormwater Visual Inspection
- Facility Notifications
- Fire Extinguisher Inspection
- Hazmat Notifications
- HMBP Inspection
- HMBP Tank Inspection
- SPCC Notifications
- SPCC As Needed Inspection
- SPCC Comprehensive Inspection
- SPCC Frequent Inspection
- SPCC SP001 Inspection
For example, if your Site uses the standard HMBP Inspection, you will see a toggle like this:
One-time Form Notifications
If your Site uses any one-time Inspection forms, a toggle for each Inspection form will appear in this section.
💡 Get in touch with Mapistry Support if you have any questions or issues with one-time, standard, or custom Inspection forms. Email or call (510) 313-1422.
Custom Logs Notifications
Only one toggle appears in this category, for Legacy Log Exceedances. Turning it on will result in email notifications when any Legacy Log registers an exceedance. Here's more information about Legacy Logs.
Environmental Data Platform Notifications
This toggle only appears for organizations on the Advanced or Enterprise Tiers, and only for users given EDP Logs access as coordinated by the Organization Admin.
In that case, only one toggle appears in this category, for Environmental Data Platform (EDP) Log Exceedances. Turning it on will result in email notification when any published EDP Log receives a record that exceeded a Log's Limit value(s).
Here's an example email notification ⬇️
💡The email notification includes a link to the Site itself, and Limit information. Note that these notifications are not instantaneous. Expect notification within about 10-15 minutes.
Other Notifications
This group of toggles controls the following:
- Weather Notifications: turn this on to get emailed when a storm is approaching your Site(s). Here's an example email notification ⬇️
- Assigned Inspection Notifications: turn this on to get emailed whenever you have been assigned an Inspection. Here's an example email notification ⬇️
- Task Completed Notifications: turn this on to get emailed a once-daily summary of all tasks marked as completed the previous day on any Site you are attached to.
💡Note that this email is delivered once daily at 12 pm UTC (4 am PST, 7 am EST, etc).
Here's an example email notification ⬇️
Water Notifications
This group of toggles appears for Sites using the Stormwater Suite, and/or certain standard stormwater Inspection Forms. Turning them on allows for email notifications to be sent out should sampling results push the parameter's trend over the NAL or exceed another limit.
💡Note that if these emails are triggered, they will be delivered at 9 am UTC (1 am PST, 4 am EST, etc).
Weekly Notifications
Go to this category to turn on a weekly email notification about overdue or upcoming Tasks and Inspections at the Site(s) you are attached to. Select between a digest that includes all overdue or upcoming Tasks and Inspections at the Site(s), or just the ones assigned to you.
💡Note these emails are delivered once weekly, on Monday mornings.