Collect, track and report your environmental data in less time than ever.
Save EHS and field teams 200 hours of data collection per year
No more chasing down your data. Automatically collect data with our API, use AI-assisted file uploads, and equip your field teams with mobile data entry.
Know before you exceed your limits with real-time data
If you wait until the end of the month to update your spreadsheet, you'll miss exceedances and risk hefty fines. With Mapistry, you'll have a real-time snapshot of your entire organization with rolling data, so you can nip exceedances in the bud.
Rely on your data when it's time to report
Mapistry comes with built-in error prevention: Only EHS team members can change formulas. Overwriting data isn't possible. And when something's missing, you'll immediately notice.
Keep everything you love about spreadsheets. Get rid of the rest.
Why do industrial teams love us?
"Instead of waiting for me to have time to update the air spreadsheets at the end of the month, two departments are directly adding data to the Mapistry Environmental Data Platform. It is automatically updating a rolling 12-month production total, which has a limit. [Mapistry] is a great way to prevent exceededances--with the guys entering the data, they can see how close they are getting to the production limit. It's been great. No one has to wait for me to get the spreadsheet updated. The guys picked it up right away as far as entering the data goes.”
Kacy Vance
Environmental Manager, Calportland -
“Data logging in Mapistry has been a big improvement in terms of visibility. People can see if they reached their limit. That used to always be a surprise. The team would go in at the end of the month and calculate year-to-date totals and realize at some point during that month they’d gone over the limit, but at that point they can’t go back. Having the visibility of when we are coming up to a limit instead of having to remember the limit or look at the permit has helped. With the visibility of everyone seeing that, someone will catch it before it becomes an exceedance.”
Nikhita Collins
Environmental Engineer, Graniterock -
“The Compliance Software of my DREAMS! We have seen an increase in the effectiveness of the inspections. I have personally seen my own team become more cognizant of their respective responsibilities and actually learn about their compliance. My team has become much more efficient with their inspections, as well. The support from the Mapistry team is the best I have encountered. I truly enjoy each of them!”
Sonya Price
Area Safety Manager, MMC -
“Mapistry has been such a great asset to my compliance schedule here at work. They've got the tools and support to help bring inspections into the new age, and that helps make companies successful. Mapistry is also continuously learning what they can do to support industries more and streamline inspections and data gathering. They are constantly creating new tools and releasing training videos to optimize their support”
Environmental Manager
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Learn why the world’s leading industrial companies trust Mapistry to streamline environmental compliance.