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Diagnosing Wastewater Exceedances with Georgia-Pacific’s Jordan Kenworthy

Georgia-Pacific Environmental Manager, Jordan Kenworthy detailed her journey sleuthing her way to wastewater success in the most recent Coffee and Compliance. 

With over 10 years of experience in environmental compliance, an unexplainable exceedance isn’t a common occurrence for Jordan. After much investigation and head scratching, her team was able to identify the problem, isolate the process, and design a treatment system to remove O&G and prevent any future exceedances. She highlighted her keys to success and other tips to solving the unsolvable during the webinar.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Test everything! The smallest thing can trigger a wastewater exceedance, it’s best practice to try and eliminate as many sources as possible to narrow in on the culprit.
  • Lean on your peers. Look at what other sites are doing to tackle similar challenges to get ideas and don’t be afraid to explore new solutions.
  • Setup internal alarms and processes to ensure if anything goes wrong, everyone is notified. This not only reduces the stress of monitoring it also empowers teams to proactively manage environmental compliance.
  • Environmental compliance requires a lot of teamwork, ownership is on everyone and it’s important to engage other teams early on to ensure their support.


To hear from more experts like Jordan, check out our resources here.